Soccer Goalkeeper Camps in Germany


IFX Soccer Germany – Goalkeeper Training Camps

Liverpool, Paris, Barcelona, Munich – Germany is considered as one of the best countries when it comes to developing young talent goalkeepers into international stars. With the game of soccer rapidly developing and changing, so is the interpretation of a modern, activly participating goalkeeper. Due to intense individual training sessions with a focus on various aspects of goalkeeper training, young players are learning the basics of becoming a fully developed goalkeeper.

This summer international goalkeepers from Mexico, Colombia, USA and United Kingdom attended the Pro IFX 30 Day and Youth Summer IFX soccer and goalkeeper programs, to be trained under the guidance of german goalkeeper coaches.

In addition those goalkeepers had the chance to train with german soccer clubs in the evening to experience life of a goalkeepers within a german soccer team or even participate in exhibtion matches with our Pro IFX 30 Day program against german amateur/semi-professional soccer teams.

If you are interested to experience one of our unique soccer / goalkeeper camps, you can always contact us at: https://develop.ifxsoccer.comgoalkeeper-training-drills-soccer-goalie-camps-germany/

Here are some great pictures of one morning goalkeeper training session in Germany:

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